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- - Moderate Thrill Attraction
About this Attraction:
Moderate speeds with unexpected movements and unusual and stressful physical forces. This ride may contain unanticipated thrills.
Deep water: Good swimmers only!
Sit down slide feet first. Use ladders to exit pool.

Ride Rules:
- Expectant mothers and guests with weak hearts, back or neck ailments, or other physical or psychological limitations are prohibited
- No lifevests or waterwings permitted.
- It is recommended that eyeglasses not be worn. If worn, use an eyeglass strap.
- Loose jewelry is not permitted.
- Do not go until the person in front of you reaches the side of the pool.
- Sit down, slide feet first.
- Use pool exit ladder to your right.
- No water shoes.
Failure to follow all rules and lifeguard instructions can cause serious injury to you and others.